Make An Extra 10k/Month With SMS Marketing

Email is great, but integrating SMS alongside email is powerful.

Here are the reasons why your business should be implementing SMS into your backend:

- 85% of customers say they prefer to communicate with their brand via text

- 95% of text messages are read within 90 seconds of being received

- 80% of consumers said they wished businesses would text them more compared to other channels.

- 61% of marketers increased their SMS marketing budgets in 2020 this means your competitors will be reaching out to your customers via text.

- Klaviyo customers saw a 100% increase in revenue per recipient when incorporating SMS into their strategy (where at least 30% of their messages sent were SMS).

- Klaviyo customers who added SMS to their abandoned cart flow increased revenue per recipient by 20%.

Step 1:

1. GET SMS SUBSCRIBERS. The first thing we need to do is to collect SMS consent so we can have users to send messages to.

To remain compliant with US SMS regulations, it's important that you obtain proper consent from your subscribers before you start sending them text messages.

You cannot simply send to every phone number in your Klaviyo account; someone must explicitly consent to receive SMS marketing from your brand.

Further, email consent does not equal SMS consent.

For SMS consent to fully apply, a subscriber must know exactly what they are opting into.

Simply giving you their phone number — or email — is not enough.

Wherever you are collecting SMS consent, you must display language clearly stating that individuals who sign up for SMS consent to receive text messages from your business.

Methods for Collecting SMS Consent in Klaviyo

There are several options for collecting or syncing consent into Klaviyo: • Klaviyo signup forms, which you can use to target new and email-only subscribers

• Click-to-text forms

• Email banners

• Consent at Checkout


After setting up a way to get SMS subscribers, the next step would be creating an omnichannel experience by combining SMS into your existing email flows 2 key flows to add SMS to are the welcome series & abandoned cart:


For the welcome flow, you have 2 options either you build a separate flow for SMS using the event "Consented to Receive SMS" as your trigger Or you can integrate it with your current welcome flow by just adding a “consented to receive SMS” conditional split.

In any case, make sure to have at least 2-3 messages spaced out in a 20-30 day window


Abandoned cart flows are one of the most valuable flows for any eCommerce business. They’re a message or sequence of messages sent to someone who added an item to their shopping cart but failed to complete the purchase.

Not contacting these customers is leaving money on the table — almost 70% of shopping carts are abandoned on average, and Klaviyo users see a 13% lift in Klaviyo attributed value (KAV) for abandoned cart flows after adding SMS.

It’s best practice to add conditional splits to further segment customers and serve more targeted content.

Examples of conditional splits include first-time buyer versus repeat buyer, high-value versus low-value cart, and recency of engagement with email or SMS.


Let’s review how you can implement SMS campaigns. An SMS campaign is a one-time text message to a list or segment of subscribers.

With 54% of consumers reporting that they want to receive promotions via text message, SMS is a great channel for conveying urgency for limited-time offers. There are two core use cases for SMS campaigns — offer alerts and event announcements

Offer Alerts: Offer alerts include everything from flash sales to limited-time promotions. These types of campaigns will typically be sent to all SMS subscribers to kick off a promotional period and be followed by email.

In some cases, you may want to target specific audiences like VIPs, recent site browsers, non-purchasers, or win-back opportunities.

Event Announcements: Events are a great way to keep subscribers engaged with your brand. But you want to carefully consider who these events are best suited for before sending your SMS.

First look or beta access: Use SMS to give your VIP subscribers an exclusive first look and early access to the most coveted items. •Product launch: If using MMS, throw in a relevant, standout image to compliment the product drop.

Timed challenges:

Leverage SMS to get customers to use your product for a period of time. This is great for fitness brands that are looking to keep customers motivated and using their products.

A quick tip: not all messages need to be promotional and contain a discount code to drive your customers to take action. SMS is also a great channel to build a sense of community with your customers.

For example, if you are a clothing brand, you could add a GIF showcasing “how our founders wear it,” or if you are in the food and beverage industry, share your favorite recipes}

Thank you for reading until the end! Hopefully you found some value!

If you’re interested in our SMS marketing services, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us or book a call with us!