How Often Should You Email Your Customer List?

Every brand owner wants to figure out the “perfect” number of email campaigns they should send: Enough to get the best response, but not so much that subscribers stop paying attention.

Basing a sending strategy on averages from other brands is not best practice and certainly won’t give the best possible results. The key point is that there is an optimal send frequency FOR YOUR BRAND and it’s highly beneficial to determine exactly what that is.

The most simple way to determine your optimal send frequency is to increase the number of emails per week until you hit diminishing returns on key engagement metrics.

If you send 1 email per week, next week send 2. If the second email hits good KPIs Then add a 3rd one.

If that one hits good KPIs then add a 4th one and so one and so forth Until you hit a point in which your metrics dramatically decrease.

Example, if you are sending 5 emails per week and you’re getting 20% open rates then you add a 6th one. But let’s say that one gets a 9% open rate.

Then you know 5 emails per week is your optimal weekly frequency, because in the 6th one you hit the point of diminishing returns (in terms of engagement metrics)

Another technique you can use is to run a frequency split test. Split your list into two or three and send at a different frequency to each test group.

For example, if you are sending two emails per week then run a split with three groups:

- The control with two emails per week

- A test group with one per week

- A third test group with three emails per week

For each test group track:

- Campaign average open and click rates

- Gross number of clicks

- Web sessions created

- Web conversion rate

- Total revenue

- Number of unsubscribes

At the end of the test review which group generated the highest revenue. Make allowance for additional campaign costs, such as extra creatives and send volume and then decide on which frequency is best for profit.

One last thing you can do is to give subscribers control of the type & cadence of emails they want to receive from you.

You can do this through surveys or adding an email preference section at the bottom of every email or on your sign up page, and then segmenting your subscribers according to how often they want to hear from you!

Hope you guys enjoyed this short blog on determining your optimal sending frequency for your brand.

If you’d like to learn more or have a chat on a potential collaboration, please do not hesitate to book a call with us!