How We Took A Client From $50,670 Per Month

To $197,914 Per Month In 25 Days

Before we started managing their email marketing, they had a couple of issues holding them back from scaling In 3 areas of their strategy:

  • Contact capture

  • Flow Structure and messaging

  • Segmentation


The “lowest-hanging fruit” on every Klaviyo account is the contact capture; this account was no different, so I started from there.

They only had one un-optimized popup with a weak offer collecting about 3% of their visitors into subscribers.

We saw an ample opportunity here. We knew that simply by increasing the conversion rate in the signup form, We would increase the revenue on the welcome flow.

- The more people subscribing, the more people will be funnelled through the welcome flow, and thus more people will purchase as a result of that.

So we created four new pop-ups:

  • 1 for page load on mobile

  • 1 for exit intent on mobile

  • 1 for page load on desktop

  • 1 for on exit intent for desktop

The sign-ups that popped based on page load had an A/B test: % OFF VS $ OFF

The signup forms that popped up based on exit intent had robust messaging and a better offer.

Here as well, we tested % OFF VS $ OFF.

We let them run for about a week.

When we had enough statistical significance. We cut the losers and keep the winners of the A/B tests.

At the end of the experiment, we were able to go from a 3% CR to 12% CR on every mobile pop up and on desktop pop-ups, we went from 1% CR to a 6% CR.

Also, we 3x the rev on the welcome flow as we had already predicted. (if your daily traffic is under 1k visitors, we wouldn’t recommend having so many pop-ups, just 1 for mobile and 1 for desktop should work).


Before we took over, they had four flows with a disorganised structure.

  • The welcome flow had emails whose content belonged more to a win backflow

  • The post-purchase flow had email whose content belonged to a sunset flow

  • The abandoned cart flow had around 20 emails ( 97% of the emails had a less than a 1% order placed rate) - Etc

So we went ahead and implemented these flows with an organized messaging structure;

  • Welcome flow

  • Abandoned cart

  • Post-purchase

  • Browse Abandonment

  • Win-back Bounce back

  • VIP

  • Sunset

  • And more

Each flow had between 3 and 7 emails.

Every email had its specific messaging goal with relation to the flow purpose...

Our value-based copywriting approach and the team’s design expertise gave these flows a 180º turnaround, resulting in better metrics and more revenue.


Before we took over the email marketing aspect of their brand, they were sending email campaigns to the whole list.

This un-optimized way of doing things led to poor engagement metrics and low revenue per campaign.

So we crafted a monthly campaign calendar in which every week we were sending about 4-5 campaigns.

80% of the campaigns were value-based, and the other 20% entirely promotional to specific segments.

We came up with 12 segments:

  • Two engaged segments

  • Six segments based on purchase behaviour (core marketing segment)

  • Two win-back segments

  • Two experimental segments

  • 75% of the time, we were sending emails to either the engaged segment or the core marketing segment.

  • 20% of the time, we sent campaigns to the win-back segments and we spent the remaining.

  • 5% of the time playing around with the experimental segments.

After setting up a new and improved campaign and segmentation strategy with tailored content specifically targeted, we 2x the campaign revenue in just a couple of weeks...

These 3 major tweaks allowed us to 3x this brand’s email revenue in such a short period of time!

Our plan is to attribute at least 35% of their brand revenue to our email strategy and we will achieve that in a matter of weeks with our proven-to-work strategy.