How We Made $122K For Our Client

In Less Than 24 hours

There are 2 main things that you need to get right to get the most out of every campaign you send:

1. Segmentation

2. Relevant & Personalized value-based content


Within any email list, you have multiple pockets of audiences in different stages of the customer's life journey.

You have people that have bought from you multiple times.

But you also have people that are subscribed to your list but have never bought.

Each of these audiences needs a special message to convert.

So if you default to blasting your entire list, it’ll be hard to find success...

The reasons why someone that has bought from you multiple times & keeps buying, are different from the reasons why someone that has never bought from you makes the decision to buy for the first time


After determining which audiences you're going after, you need to tailor a specific message for each of these audiences to convert.

Example: Let's say we're going after our high-rollers The definition for this segment is: The customer has placed an order at least 3 times in the last 3 months and revenue is greater than 3x AOV.

The goal with this audience is to retain and leverage. So the content we could send to match where they are in the customer life journey could be: perks, exclusivity, advocacy prompts.

First, you define a segment, and then you give that segment the content they need to convert.

Combining these 2 pillars (segmentation + tailored-to-the-audience-needs content ) Is what has allowed us to get multiple 5-6 figures per campaign for our clients